Our Users
ACTRIS Trace Gas Remote sensing users operate O3DIAL, UV-VIS and/or FTIR spectrometers, but are not doing so at an ACTRIS observational platform (NF). These can either be academia (e.g. research institutes and universities operating observational sites), public services such as operational agencies (e.g. meteorological services, air quality agencies, ...), businesses and industry (e.g. instrument manufacturers).
Users can request specific services on demand. Such a request should be addressed through SAMU.
Such services could be:
- Training of staff
- Central processing of data
- Instrument Calibration
- Provision of Standard Operating Procedures
- Consultancy

Our Partners
Many of the instruments that operate within the framework of ACTRIS are also embedded within international networks such as NDACC or PGN. CREGARS will maintain close ties to these networks and will ensure that the products which are produced within ACTRIS also meet the criteria of the networks. Note that inverse is not the case as ACTRIS establishes more stringent quality control and processing steps.
Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Changes (NDACC)
NDACC or the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Changes is a global international network of more than 70 globally distributed, ground-based, remote-sensing research station with more than 160 currently active instruments (Brewer, Dobson, FTIR spectrometer, Lidar, Microwave Radiometer, Sonde, UV Spectroradiometer and UV/Visible spectrometers). Each instrument type features its own dedicated working group in which measurements protocols are established.
The Pandonia Global Network operates more than 100 Pandora instruments deployed around the globe. The network is operated jointly by NASA and ESA as part of their “Joint Program Planning Group Subgroup” on calibration and validation and field activities, with additional collaboration from other institutions, most notably via the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) integration of instruments at long-term air quality monitoring stations. The PGN provides real-time, standardized, calibrated and verified air quality data and associated uncertainty values.