National Facilities

Workshop content
• Microwave radiometry background (theory, retrieval development)
• Practical aspects of MWR operation in ACTRIS and links to other networks (E-Profile)
• Calibration methods, hands-on calibration training with RPG HATPRO MWRs
• ACTRIS MWR data processing and quality control
• New developments in microwave radiometrY
Target group
The workshop targets operators of microwave radiometers in networks, such as the ACTRIS Cloud Remote Sensing network (Cloudnet), E-Profile and others. The workshop is also open for interested people beyond this network with interest on microwave radiometers.
How to apply
Please send an e-mail until 15 February 2024 to including a short statement with your main motivation and interests.
Please provide following information:
- Are you currently operating a microwave radiometer? If so, which type?
- Which networks are you participating?
- Are you running special data processing or creating own retrieval algorithms?
The number of participants is limited, participants from ACTRIS National Facilities who have not attended previous workshops will be prioritized.
We will inform you about your participation shortly after the application deadline.
Bernhard Pospichal, Lukas Pfitzenmaier, Tobias Marke