National Facilities

The ATMO-ACCESS digital online services for science are building on the expertise of ACTRIS, ICOS, and IAGOS. The virtual access portal offers online cross-atmospheric research infrastructures services, addresses the archiving and curation of data, integrated data products for analysis and interpretation, and virtual tools for training. Three services have been launched in the past weeks:
1. Footprint tool for analysing source regions for observations of aerosols and reactive trace gases.
Discover and make use of the FLEXPART atmospheric transport modeling products for ground-based aerosol and trace gas observations to analyse source regions and emission sources of aerosols and reactive trace gases. Many ACTRIS National Facilities are already included and you can request new model runs to produce data products (e.g. footprint residence times, source contributions from different emission sectors) for your decided locations, or search and use the already produced products
2. IAGOS viewer of potential source regions (FLEXPART footprints) and modeled SOFT-IO CO contributions for CO observed by commercial aircrafts.
IAGOS is a European Research Infrastructure for global observations of atmospheric composition from commercial aircraft. With a new ATMO-ACCESS service, you can now easily explore tropospheric vertical profiles of IAGOS CO measurements, spot for CO anomalies, and try to explain them using an accompanying FLEXPART footprint and source attribution data provided by the SOFT-IO model. Available data span over 20+ years and airports all over the world!
3.Time series analysis service for rapid exploration, visualisation, and statistical analysis of long-term time series with essential climate variables.
ATMO-ACCESS is now launching a new service that provides users with simple, unified access to long-term time series of atmospheric in-situ observations produced by ACTRIS, IAGOS, and ICOS for several decades. The service provides a variety of online tools for browsing available time series, visual data exploration, and statistical analysis (including calculation of basic statistical metrics, such as monthly means and standard deviations, percentiles, etc. trend estimation, and more).